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CLI Queue management

Matchmaking queues define how players are grouped together to form a match.

Queues are shared between all game versions within a game.

Please refer to matchmaking article to learn more about matchmaking queues and different configurations they allow.


Every change in queue configuration needs a few minutes to propagate within our system.

Listing queues

To list all queues of a game, you need to provide its ID:

elympics games queues list -g <game id>

Creating a queue

Creating a queue is done with:

elympics games queues create -g <game id> -n <queue name> -t <amount of teams> -p <players per team> -w <max wait time in queue in seconds> -m <match type>

Match type has to correspond to the amount of teams and amount of players per team, allowed values are: PAIR, GROUP, TEAM, SOLO.

Additionally you can configure the following simple options:

  • -b or --bots – to allow bot players allocation if not enough real players were found,
  • -P or --min-players-to-match – minimal number of real players to create a match with,
  • -M or --matchmaking-mode – player matching algorithm in terms of fairness against speed, allowed modes are: AcceptAll, FastestMatching, FastMatching, Balanced, FairMatching, MostFairMatching.

There are also advanced options:

  • --sampling-strategy – algorithm for initial sampling of matches, allowed strategies are: ALL_COMBINATIONS, ALL_UNIQUE_COMBINATIONS, EACH_BEST_PARTITIONING, MEAN_GROUP_PARTITIONING, RANDOM,
  • --prediction-strategy – algorithm for evaluating sampled matches, allowed strategies are: RANDOM, DUMMY, ELO, BAYESIAN,
  • --matchmaking-strategy – algorithm for optimization of sampled matches, allowed strategies are: RANDOM, HUNGARIAN_PAIR, GALE_SHAPLEY_PAIR, RANDOM_SAMPLER_PAIR.

Managing a queue

To update a queue, you need to provide its ID as well as its game ID:

elympics games queues update -g <game id> -q <queue id>

Then fill the fields you want to modify:

  • -n or --name – new queue name,
  • -t or --teams – new amount of teams,
  • -p or --players – new amount of players per team,
  • -w or --wait-time – new max wait time in queue in seconds,
  • -b or --bots – whether to fill missing players with bots, True or False,
  • -m or --match-type – new match type,
  • -P or --min-players-to-match – new minimal number of real players to create a match with,
  • -M or --matchmaking-mode – new player matching algorithm in terms of fairness against speed,
  • --sampling-strategy – new algorithm for initial sampling of matches,
  • --prediction-strategy – new algorithm for evaluating sampled matches,
  • --matchmaking-strategy – new algorithm for optimization of sampled matches.

Queue creation section covers values accepted for each field.

Deleting a queue


Make sure you don't delete a queue that is used in the currently deployed game.

To delete a queue run:

elympics games queues delete -g <game id> -q <queue id>