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Visual submission guide

Game ID:

This ID is unique to your game and can be found on the Developers Panel.

  1. Go to the developers panel in the following link: Games
  2. Click on your game and go to settings: Game id

Aspect Ratio

There are two options:

  1. 9:16
  2. 16:9

Elympics Loading Screen

This loading screen will display while the game is opening. This is not generated by you, this is generated by Elympics, based on the data and images provided by the developer.

Background Color

First color / Second color
Example answer: #1A2145/#646AA0
*in HEX format
Background color

Loading bar color

First color / Second color
Example answer: #3A8EDD/#75818C
*in HEX format
Loading bar color

  1. Resolution could be: 512 x 256 with alpha allowed
  2. This is the logo of your game that will appear during the Elympics Loading screen. Game logo

Key visual

  1. This is a small visual that you may add to your game during the loading screen. This is optional.
  2. Requirements:
    • Transparent background
    • .png extension
    • Should fit in 9:16 aspect ratio.

Key visual

Example of completed loading screen from Elympics’ CutTheZero

Example CTZ

Cover (display image for players cockpit & webpage)

This image will be displayed in the players cockpit and in the Elympics website for all our users to see.
Cover should be: 512 x 512 resolution, following these guidelines (but with dimensions scaled to 512px).
This image should be in .webp format. First games library Second games library


Open Graph are images that will be displayed when you link your game like below: OG example

This image should be : 1200 x 630 resolution.
The content should be centered.

Elympics Miniature

This item will be a preview that is displayed on Telegram. This should be a small gif that will be displayed in the Telegram Bot:
Please use resolution: 640x360

Block buster miniature