Game Templates
Templates are free open-source projects, which are complete competitive multiplayer games meant primarily as a learning tool for developers and for showcasing basic capabilities of Elympics. They will help you understand how it works and show overall good practices related to our tool. By using the templates, you can get to know in practice how certain mechanics could be implemented and connected together. Most features are universal and may be applied in other types of games. You can even base your project entirely on one of our templates and build further upon it!
More information about every template can be found in Readme of corresponding repository.
Available templates
FPS Shooter Template
- Match phase synchronization (start and finish based on predefined criteria)
- Character movement in 3D space
- Synchronized character animation
- Different types of weapons
- HP system and dealing damage
- Killing and respawning
- Basic menu and HUD
- Matchmaking
Endless Runner Template
- Live time leaderboards
- Full game loop from initializing the game and ensuring player connection, through core gameplay, to the finalization and saving score
- Synchronized randomization and map generation
- Refined jumping
- Simple pickups
- Animations, visual and sound effects synchronization
- Playing again from the gameplay scene