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CLI Game Versions management

This section explains how to manage versions of your games. Game versions are grouped within a game and contain minimal additional configuration for debugging purposes.


To manage games, you need to have admin rights within the organization.

Listing game versions

You can retrieve information about a single game version by providing either its ID or name:

elympics games versions get-by-id -f <game id> -v <version id>
elympics games versions get-by-name -f <game id> -v <version name>

You can also list all versions of the game with:

elympics games versions list -g <game id>

Furthermore, you can add the following flags for filtering:

  • -l or --limit – to limit the amount of entries (defaults to 10),
  • -s or --skip – to skip first N entries,
  • -t or --sortingType – to sort by Name or Date (default is Date),
  • -d or --sortingDirection – to change sort order to Ascending or Descending (default is Descending),
  • -w or --startsWith – to only show game versions that start with a pattern passed as the argument.

Uploading new game versions

Uploading a new game version is done with:

elympics games versions upload -g <game id> -v <version name> -e <path to game engine zip file>

Optionally, you can also set the value for the following fields:

  • -d or --debug – whether to use debug mode, True or False (default is True),
  • -w or --debug-with-bots – whether debug mode allocates bots, True or False (default is False),

Debug mode allows you to override queue settings for a specific game version. Standalone debug mode disables matchmaking timeout and bot allocation. However, the number of people required is still respected. Debug mode with --debug-with-bots set to True forces the allocation of bots.


In general it's more convenient to upload game versions through the Unity Editor.

Managing existing game versions

To manage a game version you need to provide its game ID and version ID:

elympics games versions update -g <game id> -v <version id>

then fill the fields you want to update:

  • -b or --blocked – block or unblock the game version, True or False, blocked versions cannot be allocated,
  • -d or --debug – whether to use debug mode, True or False,
  • -w or --debug-with-bots – whether debug mode allocates bots, True or False.

Deleting game versions


Deleting game version will permanently remove the ability to play it, please do it with caution.

To delete a game version run:

elympics games versions delete -g <game id> -v <version id>