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CLI Installation

This chapter contains information about installation of the Elympics CLI tool.

Installation through a package manager

Elympics CLI can be installed on many platforms using popular package managers:

choco install elympics-cli

You may be required to use elevated command prompt.

Afterwards the tool can be accessed through the elympics command.

Elympics configuration is stored in your home directory in the .elympics folder.

Setup with Docker

Alternatively you can run Elympics CLI on any platform with Docker.

We host the images on our Docker Hub page.

There is no need for installation, the first usage will automatically download the newest available version:

docker run --pull=always --rm -it -v ~/.elympics://root/.elympics elympics/elympics-cli:latest

We attach our home directory to the container to store configuration between launches. The configuration will also be shared with desktop installations.


docker run --pull=always --rm -it -v ~/.elympics://root/.elympics elympics/elympics-cli:latest is only the base command. When run, it will print out help text and quit immediately.

Dockerized Elympics CLI works in the same way as the standalone Elympics CLI binary. It expects command-line arguments which should be separated from Docker-specific arguments using --, for example: docker run --pull=always --rm -it -v ~/.elympics://root/.elympics elympics/elympics-cli:latest -- games list


When using Elympics CLI with Docker, it's worth creating an alias for running the tool. This way, dockerized Elympics behaves just like a binary build.
The way to create the alias can be different for each shell, most common being:

function elympics {
docker run --pull=always --rm -it -v ~/.elympics://root/.elympics elympics/elympics-cli:latest $args

The aliases only exist during the shell session, for permanent solution you can add the code to your shell profile.

Afterwards, the tool can be used the same way it'd be used on desktop installations, through the elympics command.

Manual installation

You can also download the Elympics CLI binary directly from our GitHub releases.