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This document will guide you through integrating a Sample that involves Elympics Rooms API, Competitive smart contract (Duel), where player can compete on Ethereum Testnet for Tokens, while earning Respect.


This API is subject to change in the future and is not considered code-stable.

Setup Elympics SDK

  • Add Elympics SDK to your game by the Package Manager using this link:
  • Create an Account, Elympics Game and matchmaking queues in Developer Console
  • Choose a basic fleet
  • Create two matchmaking queues: Duel and Casual with the Pair matchamking kind.
  • Contact us on Discord in order to connect the Duel queue to the smart contract deployment (this has to be done manually). Please provide us with the matchmaking queue identifier.
  • Log in to Elympics inside Unity, using your account
  • Enable HTTPS/WebRTC in your Game Config


Setup the Sample Package

Download the package here. Pleas use the newest version.

Setup Menu Scene

  • Setup Elympics SDK
  • Donwload com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json from the Package Manager
  • Download Dotween
  • Download TMPro Essentials and "Examples & Extras"
    • Import Fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf and Resources/Fonts & Materials/Roboto-Bold SDF.asset
    • In Project Settings/TextMesh Pro/Settings/DefaultSpriteAsset change Path to Sprites/
  • Import the latest package RoomsMenuPackage
  • Add the Menu Scene to build settings as the initial Scene
  • Find ScriptableObject SmartContractServiceConfig and choose the correct reference to ElympicsGameConfig, because the current one will be missing.
  • In Project Settings/Player/WebGL/Resolution and Presentation change the WebGLTemplate to Elympics
  • Change AuthDataStorage.ENCRYPTION_KEY and ChatController.APIKey to the values that we'll provide you with on Discord.
  • Chat
    • In ChatConfig change the constant PATH_IN_RESOURCES, to {GAME_NAME}/Chat/. Make sure that the appropriate asset is present in Shared/Resources/PATH_IN_RESOURCES.
    • Elympics contains a config for game region (warsaw, tokyo, etc). They're used by, among others, chat config, which is responsible for channels that are geo-scoped.
  • Build and upload the server version of the game
  • Test the game on the casual queue and see if it's working.
  • Test the competitive mode according to the testing sections below.
  • When the game is working correctly, you can proceed with updating the assets and artstyle to suit your game.
  • Remember to use prefabs whenever possible
  • Remember that the hierarchy elements below ==v==DontDestroyOnLoad_Objects==v== should not become children of other GameObjects

Don't Destroy On Load

  • In the final non-testing build, the IngameDebugConsole should be removed
  • In case of any doubts with assets update, please contact us on Discord.

Gameplay Scene Requirements

  1. Synchronize the beginning of the game (OnGameReady or GameReady) and the starting state for both players, using CustomServerHandler

It should look like this:

  • Choose DefaultServerHandler in the Elympics Object.

    Default Server Handler

  • Replace the default script with Custom

    Custom Server Handler

  • Add the object from Assets/_RoomsPackage/Gameplay/Prefabs/InitialPlayerDataHandler.prefab to the scene.

  1. Handle both competitive and casual, games, where game information about the players is delivered via CustomServerHandler
  2. Synchronizing and displaying nicknames via InitialPlayerDataHandler
  3. Correctly handle the joining process for the gameplay. Remember that one-time actions and their effects should be synchronized via state.
  4. Correctly display rewards at the end of the game. They're downloaded via WebRequest to get Respect. Use a loading indicator as this takes a short while. Also – display the financial reward in the case of a competitive game.
  5. A sample implementation is placed in Assets/_RoomsPackage/Gameplay/Prefabs/EndGamePrizes/, which is used in the sample script EndMatchResult. This implementation should be adjusted to suit the game's needs, but it should prove useful to have a reference. Remember to add the remaining objects from Assets/_RoomsPackage/Gameplay/Prefabs to your scene - Infos and RespectInfo. Remember to initialize TokenAddressProviderMatchData before calling ShowPrizeReward();
  6. Correctly identify the winner via calling EndGame(ResultMatchPlayerDatas result) with the correct parameters on the server side


For testing refer to the corresponding article.