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Capabilities are the authentication possibilities available to a user based on external authentication. For example:

  • If the environment supports Telegram authentication, the capabilities received would include Telegram indicating that Telegram authentication is an available option.
  • If the environment supports external wallet authentication, the capabilities received would guide further authentication options available in that environment. For example, receiving Capabilities.Ethereum gives us the capability to use AuthType.EthAddress authentication support.

Based on the capabilities, certain UI elements related to features divided among different capabilities should be toggled accordingly. For example leaderboards or "play" button connecting to a corresponding matchmaking queue. This ensures that users only see the features they have access to based on their authentication method.

Capabilities provide information about the type of external authentication being available, which in turn determines the queues, leaderboards, and other features the user can access. These capabilities are established based on the data returned by the InitializationMessage method.


Remember that capabilities are only available options for you, and it is up to you to select the appropriate AuthType to connect to Elympics.